Winter Driving

| CarriersEdge Online Training | Professional Driving |

This course looks at the principles of defensive driving, specifically applied to safe operation in winter weather.

Course Content

This course discusses equipment preparation and maintenance, identifying and adjusting for adverse winter conditions, handling emergency situations, and additional precautions for mountain driving.

Student Profile: Drivers.

Pre-requisites: None.

Language of Instruction: English

This online training course is delivered by CarriersEdge, a trusted Saskatchewan Trucking Association partner.

| Lesson Qty: 3 | Passing Score: 80

Purchase this Course Online at CarriersEdge

Student Self-Service, Online
1/2 Day Classroom Equivalent

Ensure you take a moment to read Safety on the Prairies on page 30! This insightful piece was authored by one of our esteemed members from Hopfe Training Centre Incorporated.

Read this Issue